Opinion: 100 Days of Competence.

Mhambi Musonda
3 min readApr 30, 2021


President Joe Biden´s first 100 Days as President was a welcome return to normalcy that defined previous Presidents.

President Joe Biden speaks to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Doug Mills / The New York Times.

President Joe Biden´s first 100 Days as President was a welcome return to normalcy that defined previous Presidents.

100 days ago, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America. During his inaugural speech, the new President boldly proclaimed that ¨democracy has prevailed.¨ Biden assumed the presidency amid a cascade of calamities not faced by an American President since FDR. President Biden stood in the exact spot where a legion of traitorous insurrectionists enjoined by the twice-impeached ignominious former President and Republican elected officials such as Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) stormed the sanatorium of American democracy — the U.S. Capitol to subvert the consent of the governed and overturn the election of Joe Biden.

President Biden´s first 100 days have been the most ambitious first 100 days of any President since FDR. The President signed a once-in-a-generation transformative $1.9. Trillion economic stimulus package, the American Rescue Plan less than two months into his tenure as President and issued more executive orders so far than his three immediate predecessors.

The President´s efforts have paid off, with the administration reaching the milestones of over 200 million coronavirus shots delivered and vaccine eligibility opened to everyone 16 and over before Biden’s 100th day in office. Unemployment is falling, with new jobless claims hitting a pre-pandemic low, and schools are reopening for in-person learning, returning kids and families to a semblance of normalcy.

The President has made less headway toward his goal of restoring bipartisanship and unity. Not a single Senate Republican voted for the American Rescue Plan, despite the American Rescue Plan enjoying massive popularity with members of both political parties, and even moderate Democrats are balking in the face of unified GOP intransigence to other legislative ambitions such as immigration reform, extending voting rights with H.R. 1 or passing the President´s legislative items, the American Jobs Plan, the largest investment in jobs since World War II and the American Families Plan, the largest investment in core safety-net programs since The Great Society.

We are seeing a very different presidency than we have seen in recent years. President Joe Biden has made it clear he intends to be the most transformative President since President Lyndon Johnson. Like his predecessors before him, President Biden has big plans. President Biden, unlike his immediate predecessors, has the depth and breadth of experience to make those legislative ambitions a reality. Or at least that’s what we’ve seen in these first 100 days.

President Joe Biden has delivered on his promise to return the presidency to what it looked like before his predecessor — the ignominious former President Donald Trump tainted the office of the President of the United States.

Replacing deranged tweets with daily press briefings and bringing in a Cabinet and a White House staff of competent, experienced experts in government.

With President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris at the helm, I do not doubt that our country will emerge from this period of national cataclysm and build back better.

